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bod's housewarming photos on krusty
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eagle warming
may 28th 2005...
cathal, shane, paul mr. bod, bod elaine, eefs, bod cathal, (bod), david, pascal colm, bod, ciara paul, david, niall, miriam fid, dónal, elaine crego, john crego david, paul, bod, niall, john “cinderbodda” or “MY BUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!“ fid, shane
photos other people took...
eefs colm, eefs, bod mrs. bod, mr. bod, bod groupies george, john, paul, ringo's in the loo cheers niall, (shane), fid, eefs, crego a bod welcome arty eefs, artist dónal colm, ciara, ciara.friend dónal, bod fid, shane eefs, bod who's for coffee?
9.00 p.m. -> 1 a.m.