wassup? new stuff list *
oh so fickle. so verrrry fickle. hang on, no i ain't. black and white...now that's me

my hotness/notness listies:
wroastling slacklining/climbing   just one more go.../just one more climb...izzz

j ::bliss::
sharing silence with someone you are close to. music to my soul
clear starry skies at night i stole the wording, but love the meaning. share some silence under an ocean of wonder
randomness repair for my brain
elation that feeling in your tummy a *split* second after something world shaking happens
perfection perfection
flaws "Only with a flaw is anything truly perfect" - Eefs
"There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." - Francis Bacon
(He must have sneaked into one of my lectures)
hugs always with the hugging
chatter it's nice to share a little. music to my huggyness
heavvvy basslines music to my me
bears feet running about on fresh cut grass in your bare feet
uisce sinking into the sand on fanore beach as the waves lap about your ankles.
or the soothing sound of a babbling stream
notness extreme notness is good in its own right. i like how not my 'notness' listy is
books cover me in paper glue and throw me into a library
Withnail & I "Sherry! Sherry. Sherry? Sherry. Sherry."
summer i used to like the winter, but come on! how great is the summer?
my voiture VW Golf Mk. III - best car EVER
doglets i want a doggie!!!
sudoku it's so easy to get addicted...
zorbing i wanna! i wanna!
freezling boredom   mnyeh. ahghh. ehhhh, yeah, I'M BORED!

midges so very verrry bitey! and they be bitin me a lot. hmmm, maybe i taste nice
short notness lists i thought i was more negative :?
time there's never enough of it
theatre just can't like it. tried. can't.
natter talking for the sake of it. why say something when there's nothing to be said? also known as small talk
people someone said i should put this here. not sure why :D
girlies someone else said i should put this here. i can see why. i'm going to have to add myself to this list soon...
tea "Do you want a cup of tea Withnail!?" "NO"
coffee see 'tea'
* last updated fri 24th june 05